Friday, October 19, 2012

Passionate and Creative Homemaking: Homemaking Around the ...

Welcome to another edition of Homemaking Around the Internet. This is where I find homemaking articles around the internet that I would like to share with you!

There is a blog that I have read for a few years that totally slipped my mind. When I went and visited it, I couldn't believe all the goodies I missed! In fact I have printed off all of these posts and stored them in my home management binder.

So this one is filled with some of their wonderful posts!

Here is an articled titled "Don't Revere the Pioneer." If you love to read about how women did things in the old time - this one is for you. If you ever wonder why you can't do a certain task when women years ago had to wash their clothes by hand - this one is for you.

I have always had a fascination with women from the past. My Nook is filled with homemaking books from the early nineteen hundreds...even late eighteen hundreds. I didn't realize how much I would?subconsciously?feel bad about getting tired of doing chores, such as the laundry when they had to do them by hand. But, like this article has said, our standards are different than back then. Back then the average person had 2 outfits and one for Sunday. So imagine having your husband come home from work and him going to work the next day wearing the same clothes? Gross right? Well it didn't bother them then.We have higher standards of clean, which means more clothes and more laundry. They may have only washed a few items once a week but we have a lot more clothes to take care of.?

She talks a lot about similarities like that. I highly recommend it. It actually freed me from what I thought was a fascination with "pioneer" women, when in fact I was feeling bad about myself. It's very freeing to know that we work just as hard, if not harder, than the women before us.

After all, "No pioneer woman ever stepped on a Lego block." - Mrs Eva H

This article is written by the same woman who writes the blog A Wise Woman Builds Her Home. It's one of those articles that I highly recommend you fact I think that way with all of them today (well really, if I posted them on here it's because I liked the article so much I think others should read them anyways lol). This article is another one that helped me with my value as a homemaker.?

"Home culture takes planning?it takes time?it takes thought." - Mrs June Fuentes

I printed this one too. It's just a practical and enjoyable read that makes you want to go do something in your home to make it more comfy.

This is another powerful article. Do you view yourself as Queen of your home or just someone who has to clean up after everyone and is everyone's "slave?" This article is WONDERFUL!!!

"It is one of Scripture?s beautiful mysteries that as we lay down our lives in happy service to the Lord and our families ? loving and helping our husbands, teaching and training our children, caring for our homes and reaching out the hand of hospitality ? we are actually elevated to a position of nobility that far exceeds what any career could ever offer." - Jennifer McBride

Again, another must read...but this is a must MUST read lol. It's a short read so please check it out. I wanted to write an article about how Satan is attacking the woman's roll but this post just about sums it up!

This post talks about the value of a woman leaving work to focus more on standing behind her husband and helping him be the best he can be, and therefore actually improving the family

"As wives, homemakers, and mothers, we get the most fulfilling, well-rounded ?career? imaginable. We wear many hats, all of which have been laid out in Scripture for thousands of years. To us, they?re second-nature. So it?s a little amusing to see a ?dyed-in-the-wool? feminist ?discovering? truths that most of us have just practiced quietly for years?all while being ridiculed, put down, sneered at, or mocked as ?baby machines,? mindless drones, slaves, and all manner of other ridiculous invectives." - Jennie Chancey

This is another post that helps us see the value in our role as homemaker

"So what?s so great about being at home? How could serving at home possibly be important in the grand scheme of things? After all, isn?t staying at home just about doing dishes, cleaning floors, and wiping runny noses? What?s so important about all that? Friends, this is exactly what Satan would like us to think about the woman?s role in the home. He is delighted when the home is reduced to a list of chores...." - Jennie Chancey

I hope you enjoy my little "Homemaking Around the Internet" posts. ?These articles are blessings in my life and I hope they are to you too!


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